Anyone close to me knows that I LOVE to travel. 2019 was quite the ride and extensive traveling was the main focus of that journey. That being said, this past year came with a lot of growth and change for me both professionally and personally.
We’ve all heard when you find that thing you love to do, every day feels like a gift. This joy spills over into all aspects of your life and I am grateful everyday that I was able to change the direction life was taking me and create this lifestyle for myself.
Here are some of the reasons I have such a passion for travel:
Travel forces you to live in the “right now”.
Life is about the little moments. We tend to get wrapped up in big goals, big plans…and while its good to have goals and dreams, gratitude for the small moments is where life is happening. We keep waiting for that amazing thing to happen in the future that will be the key to our happiness. But this is it. This is life. Right now, is all we have.
Traveling opens your eyes and gives you perspective, making you a well rounded human.
Meeting people from other cultures will teach you that your perspective of the world isn’t the same as everybody else’s. In fact, it can be quite humbling as your point-of-view might have some major blind spots. Seeing the world for yourself will improve your vision and your grip on reality. It will give you a chance to reflect on where you’ve been, where you’re going, and where you want to end up. Travel also makes you more interesting, insightful, and accepting of people.
Travel builds confidence.
Travel is full of moments of joy, but there are also challenges. Overcoming the challenges gives you some of the greatest joys of all and builds confidence like little else can. At a certain point you realize that in life nothing actually goes wrong. When things don’t meet your expectations, this is where you find unhappiness and distress. You learn to let go of how you think things should be and let them… just be. You learn to trust that life will take you exactly where you need to go, and that most of the things we fear typically don't happen. Or if they do happen, they are rarely as bad as we fear them to be. For most of us, fear itself is the worst thing that will happen to us.
Traveling solo boosts confidence even higher. You learn just how capable you really are. I highly recommend everyone try it at least once and I will be focusing on offering more solo travel opportunities in 2020. Look for a future post dedicated as to why it's important.
Travel can make you re-evaluate your priorities.
Time and money spent accumulating material things will one day irritate you. You must clean, maintain, and move stuff. The less stuff you have, the more free you are. We are not guaranteed old age. Waiting to travel with the intentions of believing that “someday” you’ll get to actually experience life once you have everything else attained, paid, sorted, etc., is a mistake that too many of us make. Choose to buy experiences over external objects now.
Coming into 2020 look forward to extensive exploring and sharing on my part in hopes to inspire others to expand their horizons. Reach out to me with any destinations you'd like to see!
Here are small sample of destinations I've travelled to in 2019. Blog posts on all these destinations are following soon. Links to published destinations below. (My 2020 "intention" is to be better about getting them out to you...for me the traveling is easy..the writing is hard. :) )
Jan: NYC
Feb: Morocco
Click for my blog post on Morocco here: The Magic and Wonder of Morocco
March:Puerto Rico
May: Spain/Gibraltar/Morocco (Tangier,Chefchauen)
Click for my blog post on Why Vejer de la Frontera is where you NEED to go when you travel to Spain
June: Oregon/No Cali, St.Augustine FL Miami/ Bahamas
Sept: Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao, Haiti
Oct: London, Amsterdam, Spain, France
November: Italy, Switzerland, London
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